Get Ready to Groove! Unforgettable Tribute Nights Await at Giovanni's Knutsford Craving great music and delicious Italian food? Look no further than Giovanni's Knutsford! We're not just about incredible pasta and pizza (although those are definitely highlights!). We're also about creating unforgettable experiences. That's why we're...

Rediscover Delight: The Post-Renovation Buzz at Giovanni's Greetings, dear patrons and newcomers alike! It's been two weeks since Giovanni's threw open its doors, unveiling a new era of gastronomic indulgence and entertainment. The response has been nothing short of extraordinary, and we're thrilled to share the...

Giovanni’s Renovation: A Culinary Transformation in Knutsford Prepare for an extraordinary culinary adventure at Giovanni’s, the beloved Italian restaurant in Knutsford, as it undergoes an exhilarating renovation. Featuring revitalised interiors and enticing new menus, Giovanni’s is poised to redefine the pinnacle of dining excellence. Mark your...

Richard Harding Watt (1842-1913) was a local philanthropist, traveller and idealist with a passion for building, who made his fortune from glove making in Manchester. He worked with four professional architects to transform the townscape of Knutsford with a series of eccentric buildings. Watt designed some...